The Story of the Ravaged City

The city that would come to be referred to as “the ravaged city” was a bustling metropolis surrounded by common suburbs. Dogs of all size, shape, and breed lived in and around the city. Life was standard for all until the people started to suddenly disappear. A max exodus of humans began and few - if any - brought their furry companions with them.

These abandoned dogs were surrendered to a local shelter or, some, were even left abandoned on the streets. Within the city pound, the dogs were cared for by the staff. They were fed daily, their enclosures cleaned, and some were taken out to the yard for some exercise every few days. However, eventually these humans, too, disappeared. Alone, scared, and starving, the dogs became desperate within their confinement. Constant screams and howls were heard all hours of both day and night. Some fell silent as they succumbed to their hunger and thirst.

After days - perhaps even weeks, who could tell? - of being completely and utterly abandoned, a crash could be heard throughout the land. Almost instantly the ground began to shake beneath the dogs as the earth gave way under their paws. Kennels and cages cracked, concrete burst around them, many canines were injured or killed in the aftershocks. Yet, those that survived found themselves free - or on the brink of freedom.

The dogs helped each other amidst the wreckage of their prison.

Our story begins directly in the wake of and the aftermath of the earthquake where the shelter dogs, battered and confused, gather to assess the wounded and what their next move should be.