How to Play

Creating Your Character

So you've decided to create a character? To begin we will go over a few character rules that should be taken into consideration prior to character creation.

• All characters must be domestic dog breeds.
At this point we do not allow for any wild canine or hybrid characters. If and when this rule changes it will be reflected here, in our IC Rules, on our Census in the sidebar, as well as an on-site news post and announcement in the Discord.

• All characters must currently be a part of the pack or be created with the intention of joining the pack.
To get the story and plot rolling, all new characters must be a part of the core pack. If and when this rule changes it will be reflected here, in our IC Rules, on our Census in the sidebar, as well as an on-site news post and announcement in the Discord.

• Any characters under 3 months old will need a caretaker.
Young pups cannot be expected to survive in the world alone. This especially rings true for very young puppies. Any characters under 3 months of age will need to have a designated, member-played caretaker to help ensure their survival.

• Ranks are earned and maintained in-character.
There is no set ranking system on Ravaged. However, characters will naturally fall into a hierarchy of sorts. Alterations to one's rank should be discussed and agreed upon by players before in-character coups are staged.

• Characters may not kill each other without permission.
The outcome of a fight may be agreed upon prior to the posts by both player parties or request staff intervention. Character deaths may only occur if the player of the dying character agrees.

Embarking on the Journey

You've created your character and are ready to start playing. Now what?

Ravaged is written to follow a formula similar to what you would find playing a table-top roleplaying game in terms of its story. We have created an elaborate story with a goal in mind for the players to discover and conquer. If and how we will arrive at this goal - or if we will ever get there at all - is up to you, the players!

• Discussing plots and stories with other players.
Ravaged has an overarching plot that players are encouraged to take part in. Details for the plot can be found here and current events can be found in the sidebar. Additionally, we encourage players to create and partake in their own character-driven stories to keep things interesting and build relationships and bonds between characters. Personal plot ideas can be discussed in the Plot Develpment board as well as the discord.

• Check out the current events.
By checking out the current events happening on Ravaged, players will be able to remain up-to-date on current stories and help to progress the overarching roleplay to solve the mystery of what has become of the humans and their past lives.

• Know where the action is.
As the story progresses, the characters will be moving and exploring this new, abandoned world. As they move throughout the world, new lands and territories will become available to play in. In other words, as our stories progress we will be making new boards available for players to explore and post in. Most often, the story will be occurring in the most recent board. However, players should feel free to tell past stories in older boards or may even find their characters venturing to these past locations.

• Understand the thread title labels.
Different threads may be marked in different ways. Generally, threads marked [ OPEN ] are free to join, threads marked [ CLOSED ] or with another character's name are reserved for other players to tell a specific story or touch on a specific plot point, and threads marked [ COMPLETE ] are finished threads. Additionally, we ask players to mark their threads as [ STORY ] to indicate stories that are a part of our ongoing plot. These threads are open for all characters to join and make their mark on the story to help it progress in their own way.

• Join an open thread or create your own.
Once you feel ready to have your pup join in on the action and the fun, find a thread marked "story" or "open" and join in. Or, alternatively, start your own thread! Open threads of your own can be advertised on the discord channel "open-threads" for other players to see and join. Be sure to post in story threads for your character to make an impact on where the main plot and story will lead. The main plotline of Ravaged is open ended with many possibilities for players to find the ending.

• Add some pizazz to your threads with @NPC.
The NPC Account can be summoned by tagging them in a thread. This account can be used to bring in misc. characters and/or disasters. If you have a specific creature in mind, please send a message on the discord or in private messages to the admin. Players may also include NPCs in their own writing. For example, if you want your characters to hunt an elk you can feel free to write for the prey yourself. However, if you would like to add a bit more sponteneity to the thread tag the NPC Account to play the animal for you.